The Best Ways Your Body Can Get The Nutrients and Supplements It Needs

The Best Ways Your Body Can Get The Nutrients and Supplements It Needs


When it comes to dietary supplements, there is a wide variety of options, from traditional tablets to gummies, powders, and even patches to put in your body. These supplements contain vitamins and minerals that your body needs to fuel itself for the day ahead. If you have decided to intake these nutrients, it’s always important to consult with your doctor to see which one adapts best to you and your body’s needs.

According to the National Institute of Health, these are some dietary supplements that can improve overall health and help manage some health conditions: “

That’s why, whenever you are buying supplements, it is crucial to check out which ingredients they contain to make sure that you are making the best decision for your body. Nowadays, some supplements have ingredients that can have a powerful impact on your body; that’s why we remark the importance of having your doctor’s approval and not ignorantly choosing random supplements from the pharmacy stand.

To help you make the best choices, we will discuss the different types of supplements that you can choose from and the differences between them.


The main benefit of capsules is that they are transportable, and you can take them with you wherever you go. But truthfully, if you want immediate results, capsules may not be the right option for you. 40% of the U.S. population has difficulty swallowing pills. With almost half of the population struggling to swallow capsules, it’s important to point out that more options are available. Even though capsules give you significant results, in the long run, they might not be good for you if you are someone who has difficulty with pills.

Due to their composition, capsules can be a great mixture of all the supplements you need. Some capsules have multiple nutrients, and you can enjoy the benefits of all of them simultaneously by ingesting just one pill.


Compared to capsules, powders contain more concentrated ingredients. You can put more nutrients in powders than in a small pill, for instance. This means that by taking powders, you will profit from its components in a different way.

They are also a good option if you want to drink something that tastes good! With powders, there are a lot of flavors that you can choose from: citric, chocolate, fruity, and more. If you are someone with a sensitive stomach, powders may be the best choice for you.


We have found out that patches are able to provide better, quicker results. Why? Because your body is absorbing the nutrients, and they go directly to your system. Not too long ago, we came across Nutri-Patch, which contains nano-sized nutrient particles designed to avoid the digestive process that causes up to 80% of the nutrients in oral doses not to be absorbed.

The nutrients from this topical patch cross the skin’s barrier for efficient absorption into your circulation, delivering vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants continuously throughout the skin for up to 12 hours. Fortunately, this process bypasses swallowing and digestive processes where up to 80% of nutrients can be lost, even more so if there is digestive harm or inflammation.

Giving your body the nutrients it needs is a meaningful way to support and encourage the positive outcome of your current health and treatment plans. Whichever method works best for you, we wish you the best.
