Practice in a mutualist dental center

Practice in a mutualist dental center


Do you want to work as a salaried worker rather than as a freelance worker in a mutualist dental center ? You still hesitate to take the plunge and do not know this type of structure? ReplaFrance explains everything in the rest of this article.

 What is a mutualist dental center?

Mutual dental centers are managed by mutuals which are private organizations. They contribute to social equality in health and systematically practice third-party payment . There are therefore no fees overruns. They offer quality care at opposable and more accessible prices, particularly on prostheses or as part of orthodontic treatment.

In full development, France has more than 500 mutual dental centers with more than two million patients who visit them each year. These dental centers are present in both rural and urban areas, and include an average of 5 dental chairs.

The advantages of working in a mutual dental center

Working in a mutualist dental center allows the dentist to focus only on his main vocation: to care for his patients , which is more varied. He can therefore delegate all administrative, inventory or personnel management tasks. The dental surgeon benefits from a quality technical platform at the cutting edge of the latest technological innovations(3D printer, optical impression, etc.). He can gain expertise because he works in close collaboration with his colleagues. This allows young dentists in particular to benefit from the experience and seniority of their colleagues. This also facilitates communication during patient transfers according to the specialties of each dentist or to easily request a second opinion. You will work in collaboration with dental assistants who will take care of your planning, quotes and returns from mutuals. The assistants can assist the practitioner in the chair to help him perform acts that he could not perform alone.

You will also benefit from fixed working hours. In general, you will work 35 hours per week, which allows you to better reconcile professional and private life. These centers are always up to standard and guarantee compliance with safety and hygiene procedures ; in order to ensure that you exercise your practice with complete peace of mind. Dental centers are also able to provide you with optimal protection against COVID-19.

Discover our article on how to protect yourself in your dental office .

The only drawbacks to be associated with this type of exercise: limited freedom regarding the choice of equipment and prosthesis laboratories, referenced by the center.

The salary of a dentist in a mutualist dental center

The vast majority of mutual dental centers have recourse to a fixed-term contract with a precariousness premium at the end of it. This is an ideal contract to diversify your professional experiences. The remuneration varies because it corresponds to a percentage of the turnover achieved by the dentist. According to the UNECD , it corresponds to 28% of turnover for conservative care and is between 25 and 30% for prosthetic care. During the health crisis linked to COVID-19, dental centers having been forced to close, salaried dentists were able to benefit from partial unemployment .

Since within these centers, dental surgeons have an employee status, this ensures them rather stable income. They can benefit from paid leave, meal vouchers but also maternity and paternity leave .

Are you convinced and want to find a salaried position? Discover our CDD – Full-time , CDI – Full-time and CDI – Part-time offers for salaried dentists throughout France.

Dental Care