Be Aware of What DNA Test is All About

Be Aware of What DNA Test is All About

The genetic material that you receive from your biological parents is called DNA. The term "paternity" means a father. Using DNA, typically extracted from a cheek swab, sucha DNA test can establish whether a particular man is a…

Can HIFU Replace Face Lifts?

Can HIFU Replace Face Lifts?

High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is a relatively new cosmetic therapy for skin tightening that some consider a painless and noninvasive alternative to face lifts. It employs ultrasonic waves to stimulate collagen formation, resulting in tighter…

3 Most Common General Surgery Procedures

3 Most Common General Surgery Procedures

You might wonder what the role of general surgery is. General surgeons use such procedures to treat diseases, repair injuries, and promote overall health and healing. They are mostly concerned with diseases and accidents affecting…