All-on-4 Prosthetics What is it?

All-on-4 Prosthetics What is it?


All-on-Four implantation is a method of placing implants that allows you to restore a tooth row using only 4 implants (instead of 14-16). This approach greatly simplifies the surgery itself as well as the patient’s recovery time.

The installation of implants “all on 4”. How it goes

In order to place implants according to the “All on 4” system, 4 implants are placed in the patient’s jaw in such positions and at such an angle that it is possible to place a fixed, arch-shaped bridge on them.

As a rule, 10 teeth are placed on such a prosthesis. This number is enough to make the smile aesthetically appealing, but it is worth noting that this number is not always enough to restore the full masticatory function of the jaw.

Therefore, when the patient’s oral situation allows it, the dentist can fit 12 or even 14 teeth. However, only a specialist can make this decision.

All-on-4 implantation. Advantages

No complex operations or bone grafting

Short treatment time

Secure fit of prosthesis

Long service life

Excellent aesthetic results

The cost of the such implantation is lower than that of implantation of all teeth

Complete restoration of the dentition

All-on-4 implantation is an excellent choice for those who want to restore their teeth in the shortest possible time and at affordable prices. Unlike placing 14 implants or crowns, you need far fewer visits to the dentist and the surgery is less traumatic and recovery time is shorter.

Dental Care