Is Marijuana a Safe and Effective Medicine?

Is Marijuana a Safe and Effective Medicine?


The answer to this question is complex because researchers often arrive at conflicting conclusions using the same data. One reason for this is that there are few rigorous clinical studies on smoked cannabis (marijuana) for many health conditions.

Another difficulty with interpreting the data is that terms like marijuana and cannabis are often used interchangeably, confusing the specific substances that might be beneficial or harmful.

Marijuana refers to parts of the Cannabis sativa plant that people use as a mind-altering drug—either for pleasure, by smoking it or eating it in foods like brownies or chocolate bars, or for medical purposes. The active chemical in marijuana is THC. Marijuana also contains about 500 other chemicals, many of which are similar to substances produced naturally by the body, called endocannabinoids.

Cannabis sativa is a bushy plant grown worldwide for its oily seeds and tall thin stems with large green leaves. It’s also known as hemp or Indian hemp. Hemp has much lower levels of THC and higher levels of CBD than marijuana and is used in many health foods and body care products.

Marijuana and hemp both contain the active ingredient THC, but in different amounts. Hemp is naturally high in CBD and usually contains only traces of THC, while marijuana can have between 5-10% or even up to 25% THC.

The marijuana plant from Jet Cannabis has many uses in medicine and industry, but the most common use is for recreational purposes. It’s also used as pain relief in some medical conditions. However, no clinical trials have tested whether smoking or consuming hemp or marijuana can relieve cancer pain or other types of chronic pain.

What’s more, marijuana from Marijuana dispensary Everett can be difficult to absorb through the stomach because they’re converted into other substances in the liver before entering the bloodstream. These metabolites make some people feel dizzy and less alert than if they’d eaten a cannabis-infused food or beverage, like brownies or tea.

How does marijuana work?

Marijuana works in the brain by attaching to molecules called cannabinoid receptors on nerve cells. These receptors are usually filled with natural chemicals similar to THC, which are made by the body. These natural cannabinoids play a role in normal brain development and function, including neural communication.

When marijuana enters the brain, it triggers these receptors and causes changes in the activity of nerve cells, which disrupts sensory perceptions and interferes with how information is processed. It may cause altered senses (for example, seeing brighter colors), impaired coordination, difficulty with thinking and problem solving, and disrupted learning and memory.

Scientists are still working to understand how marijuana causes hallucinations, changes in mood and perception, and impaired coordination.

What are the different forms of marijuana?

When you get marijuana from Jet Cannabis Everett, it can be used in many ways,  including:

  1. Smoking dried buds of the plant, usually in a cigarette or pipe.
  2. Using containers (like small pipes) to inhale smoke from burning marijuana leaves or cannabis oil.
  3. They are consumed orally by adding them to foods or drinks. THC and other chemicals are absorbed into your bloodstream when digested.


Smoked marijuana contains THC as well as many other substances. These remain in your body for a long time, and you can test positive on drug tests weeks after using them. It’s challenging to know the possible health effects of smoking marijuana since little research has been done on users.
