Evaluation of COVID-19 Workplace Risk Levels

Evaluation of COVID-19 Workplace Risk Levels


OSHA has identified four workplace risk levels. Workers may be exposed to different risk levels depending on their job duties and/or the tasks they do. These are the risk levels:

Very High Risk

This includes healthcare workers who perform aerosol-generating techniques on COVID-19 patients, laboratory personnel handling COVID-19 specimens, and workers at the morgue performing aerosol generation procedures on COVID-19 deceased patients.

High Risk

This level includes medical transport and healthcare workers who have direct contact with COVID-19 victims.

Medium Risk

This category includes anyone whose job involves close contact with people who may have COVID-19 infection.

Low Risk

This level includes employees who don’t have to interact with the public or anyone with COVID-19.

Who Is At The Greatest Risk of Severe COVID-19 Symptoms?

People who have been in close proximity to patients with confirmed SARS/CoV-2 infection for longer than 15 minutes are most at risk. People who live in congregate settings such as college dormitories or homeless shelters are at greater risk of contracting the disease because of the increased chance of contact. People who have been exposed to the disease for a long time are at higher risk. You can lower your risk by wearing a mask or practicing physical distancing. They should also wash their hands often and take other preventative steps.

The CDC is constantly studying COVID-19, a new disease. As we age, the risk of serious illness from COVID-19 increases in adults. The greatest risk is for older adults. COVID-19 may cause severe illness that can result in hospitalizations, intensive treatment, ventilators, or even death. SARS-CoV-2 infection can also be more common in people with certain medical conditions.

This post was written by a medical professional at The Wellness Firm.  The Wellness Firm services include workplace flu clinics, wholesale rapid antigen test, onsite event Covid testing, physical exams for employment, as well as American Heart Association CPR certification classes. Founded by local Firemen, The Wellness Firm has been providing a safer Tampa Bay since 2006.
