Bharat Bhise Explains Important Things About Natural Weight Loss Supplements

Bharat Bhise Explains Important Things About Natural Weight Loss Supplements



According to Bharat Bhise, turning to natural supplements is a tempting choice. However, you can’t always trust the label on natural supplements. Some have even been found to have prescription drugs. Let’s check out a few important things about natural weight loss supplements.

The Details

The claims

Melt fat away and lose weight naturally. That sounds quite nice and promising. Natural or herbal weight loss supplements are sold in the market as health aids. They have fibers, minerals, vitamins, caffeine, herbs, and different types of plant parts and extracts. Unfortunately, they are not sold as medicines and that’s where things can get tricky. You can’t take those claims at face value since those supplements are not strictly regulated.


Just because a supplement has the word “natural” attached to it and has a strongly aligned brand name and marketing campaign, it doesn’t mean they are equally effective. Recent studies have shown that natural weight loss supplements may not deliver on the advertised weight loss effects.

The problem is enhanced due to the lack of regulation. Natural weight loss supplements are health aids or dietary supplements that don’t require FDA approval. Since they are not regulated as strictly as food and drugs, you never know what you’re getting while buying a natural weight loss supplement. Some have even been found to have health risks.

While the FDA can issue warnings and punish those manufacturers after a supplement has been added, it may have already done significant damage to your body, if you have ingested it for months. That’s why it’s important to consult your physician before buying a natural weight loss supplement. Let’s check out the claims behind a few ingredients used in natural weight loss supplements.

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It’s a sugar that originates from the hard external layers of shrimps, crabs, and lobsters. Promoters of natural weight loss supplements claim they can prevent your body from absorbing cholesterol. While this ingredient does not cause any side effects, it can be harmful if you have a shellfish allergy. Moreover, research suggests that there is not enough evidence that shows chitosan to be effective in weight loss.

Conjugated linoleic acid

This natural weight loss supplement ingredient is a chemical extracted from linoleic acids, a fat found in plant oils. Enthusiasts claim that they help reduce body fat and help you stay full for a longer time. However, research shows that the effects aren’t as concrete.

On the other hand, some studies point out that if you’re obese, the long-term use of conjugated linoleic acid can be harmful instead. The compound may lower “good” cholesterol in your body and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.


Bharat Bhise suggests that you do your research before buying natural weight loss supplements or make some at home.
