What Are the Most Common Types of IV Therapy?

What Are the Most Common Types of IV Therapy?


Whether you seek a radiant complexion or want to improve your overall health, IV therapy will help. To give you a glowing skin, nutrients and vitamins get injected directly into your body’s bloodstream throughout the process. Every drip of IV therapy Boise has a customized combination of essential vitamins, fluids, electrolytes, and antioxidants. But the question is – what sets IV therapy apart and how many types are there?

Benefits to Expect

Apart from feeling better and alleviating some symptoms, IV therapy can provide other benefits. Some of these benefits include the following:

  • Lowering the stress level
  • Fitness recovery
  • Allergy relief
  • Get more energy
  • Sleep better

Is IV Therapy Safe?

Today, delivering IV fluids is generally safe and common. But if administered in excess, it may cause adverse effects. If you have medical conditions, it would be best to consult a doctor before the treatment to prevent any complications. Due to skin puncture, there are also the risks of getting an infection. While the risks of blood infection or skin irritation are unlikely, it will still be crucial to consult a qualified medical expert who will ensure a healthy and safe infusion of vitamins.

Common Types

Before, many types of IV therapy were linked to therapeutic use, let alone preventive use. Because of that, patients used to depend on conventional strategies, like oral supplementation. But low absorption can make you swallow pills, and certain ingredients will be reduced to waste or compromise efficiency of one another when taken in combination. Being on multiple oral supplements or medications can be a nightmare or hassle, based on how sensitive the digestive system is. Luckily, you don’t need to do that anymore. You may turn to either of the following types instead:

1. Immunity

Be very ready to take your wellness and health into your hands. This type is a potential formula designed specifically to support the immune system to the maximum. It contains enough zinc and vitamin C, enabling it to infuse those essential nutrients into your bloodstream. In addition, it helps to keep sickness at bay and give the body a natural defense mechanism required for the boost.

2. Crystalloid

This is a common form of IV therapy as it contains dissolved and smaller molecules, which may easily pass through the body’s bloodstream into tissues and cells. The role of this solution is that it increases the volume of fluid to prevent hydration. It often includes normal salt water and dextrose, which is basically sugar in water. In addition, it includes lactated ringer’s that have lactate, potassium, calcium, chloride, and sodium for aggressive resuscitation of fluid.

3. IV Vitamin Therapy

This form of therapy involves delivering minerals and vitamins into the patient’s bloodstream. It bypasses liver metabolism and digestive system to ensure nutrients access the bloodstream directly. In addition to convenience and efficiency, the therapy replenishes the electrolytes and hydrates the body.

The bottom line is that you will need different IV therapy for various reasons. Therefore, it is crucial to talk about all your concerns with the right healthcare expert and get the answers to your questions before you opt for any procedure.
