Answering 6 Commonly Asked Questions About Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty

Answering 6 Commonly Asked Questions About Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty


Obesity can become life-threatening if uncontrolled and accompanied by comorbidities such as diabetes and blood pressure. Fortunately, there are a variety of weight loss treatments and programs available for Dallas and Fort Worth, Texas residents, including endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG), which can help you lose weight and reduce the effects of obesity-related diseases. If you are curious about what ESG procedure is and how it can assist you in losing weight and leading a healthy life, you have come to the right place. In this blog, we provide answers to some commonly asked questions about Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty, helping you develop a better understanding of the procedure.

1. What is Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty?

Endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is a modern, minimally invasive procedure that aids in weight loss by regulating the food intake capacity in a person. It involves the use of a special endoscopic suturing device to create a small pouch in the stomach and reduces the secretion of “ghrelin,” a hunger hormone, resulting in a decreased capacity for food intake and a loss of appetite. Patients feel full with smaller portions of meals and gradually start losing weight. Although ESG is a relatively newer procedure, as a non-surgical weight loss treatment, it can provide significant results if done properly. If you are seeking endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty in the Dallas or Fort Worth area, it is important to consult an experienced bariatric surgeon in the region. They can leverage their expertise to determine your eligibility for the procedure and help you achieve your desired weight loss objectives.

2. Who is Eligible for ESG Procedure?

Typically, individuals with a BMI of 30 or above, who have not achieved significant results through diet and exercise and have not undergone any previous surgical procedures, are considered eligible for endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty. However, like other weight loss procedures, Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty is not suitable for every person with obesity. The effectiveness of the procedure largely depends on an individual’s metabolism, which determines the most suitable weight loss procedure for them. Reputable bariatric surgeons in Dallas and Fort Worth conduct metabolic testing among other tests to assess the appropriateness of weight loss procedures for their patients. If you wish to determine your eligibility for the endoscopic procedure in the DFW area, it is advisable to consult an expert bariatric surgeon.

3. Is ESG Procedure Safe?

Yes, ESG is a safe procedure. Compared to other weight loss procedures, it does not require any incisions or cutting into the stomach, ensuring that there are no scars on the abdomen. Instead, the surgeon accesses the stomach using an endoscope, a flexible tube, to create the suture and reduce the size of the stomach to resemble a pear shape. The entire procedure is completed within an hour or so, allowing patients to go home the same day. This ensures faster recovery and fewer complications. Patients are able to resume their normal activities within a day or two after the procedure.

4. What are the Risks Involved?

Although ESG is a non-surgical procedure, it may involve certain complications, including:

  • Bleeding: There is a possibility of bleeding as the stomach has a rich blood supply and sutures are placed deep within the gastric walls.
  • Stomach Leak: In rare cases, a stomach leak may occur due to the propagation of bacterial infection in the abdominal space.
  • Esophageal Injury: The endoscope passing through the esophagus, which has a thinner wall than the stomach, may cause injury during the procedure.
  • Stenosis: Mismatch tapering with the patient’s gastric squeezing function can result in stenosis, leading to persistent nausea and vomiting after the procedure.

While these are severe complications, the likelihood of experiencing them is less than one percent. Additionally, consulting an expert bariatric surgeon with a good track record in ESG procedures can completely eliminate these complications. Expert bariatric surgeons use advanced technology and ensure proper care during the procedure to minimize the risk of complications.

5. Is Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty Reversible?

Yes, endoscopic sleeve gastroplasty is a completely reversible procedure. Unlike traditional bariatric surgeries like sleeve gastrectomy surgery, it does not involve stomach removal. Only sutures are used to reduce the size of the stomach, and if needed, they can be removed upon the patient’s request or in emergency situations.

6. How much weight can one lose with the ESG procedure?

The ESG procedure is a powerful weight loss method. Several medical studies show that with a reduction in hunger hormone secretion, patients consume less and can lose up to 20 percent of their total body weight in a year or so. However, weight loss results may vary from individual to individual, with some experiencing more weight loss than others. It is essential for patients to commit to a healthy lifestyle in order to achieve their desired weight and maintain it.


The ESG procedure provides several health benefits beyond weight loss. It improves obesity-related health conditions such as diabetes, stroke, and blood pressure. Additionally, the procedure relieves joint pain and improves mood and energy levels, helping you lead a healthy and happy life. While there may be certain complications associated with the procedure, the risks can be minimized by consulting a reputable ESG specialist. When looking for Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty in the DFW region, choose a trusted bariatric surgeon with an experienced team who utilize their expertise and advanced technology to perform the procedure, ensuring fewer risks and faster recovery.
