Bharat Bhise Looks at Common Symptoms of Hearing Loss

Bharat Bhise Looks at Common Symptoms of Hearing Loss



According to Bharat Bhise, the symptoms of hearing loss can vary depending on its severity and the type of hearing loss. Thus, it is crucial to understand how the different hearing loss symptoms can manifest so that you can know when it’s time to consult a doctor. Ignoring hearing loss symptoms is not recommended since they can develop into more severe symptoms without prompt treatment.

The Symptoms

Here are the symptoms of different types of hearing loss:

  1. Sensorineural hearing loss symptoms – Almost 90% of people have sensorineural hearing loss which occurs when the nerve pathways that deliver sound to the brain or the delicate hair cells in the inner ear get damaged. It can further be categorized into subtypes such as the following:

2. High-frequency hearing loss – older people with age-related hearing loss suffer from this type of hearing loss. They have difficulty hearing things such as birds chirping, consonant sounds such as th, s,v, sh, p, f, sh, and more making it difficult for them to understand certain words. They might not be able to detect the beeping sounds of microwave ovens or timers.

3. Mid-range frequency hearing loss – People with mid-range frequency hearing loss have difficulty hearing common sounds such as speech and music. However, they can hear alarms and booming thuds just fine.

4. Noise-notch hearing loss – This type of hearing loss is a noise-induced hearing loss that often happens to hunters who develop shooter’s ear. They have difficulty hearing high-pitched sounds such as children’s voices but can still hear very high-pitched sounds such as beeps and birds.

5. Low-frequency hearing loss – It is a rare type of hearing loss where people have difficulty hearing low-frequency sounds such as the voices of men, bass in music, and even thunder. They also have problems understanding people when talking on the phone.

6. Single-sided deafness symptoms – People with single-sided hearing loss often have problems detecting where the sounds are originating from and have a hard time isolating a single sound source in a noisy environment. They also have issues determining volume levels and detecting high-pitched sounds.

7. Conductive hearing loss symptoms – Conductive hearing loss symptoms are similar to the symptoms of general hearing loss where people have issues hearing speech. Your own voice may sound strange to you too. It affects 10% of people and often occurs due to accidents or is detected at birth.

8. Temporary noise-related hearing loss symptoms – Exposure to loud noises such as fireworks, gunfire, or noises at the workplace can cause temporary hearing loss. The symptoms include a ringing in the ears or tinnitus which can last for a few hours during which type you have problems hearing certain sounds clearly.


Bharat Bhise suggests you consult a doctor if you notice you have any of the symptoms of hearing loss mentioned above. Sometimes, when certain sounds seem too loud, it is also an indication of hearing loss. Although permanent hearing loss cannot be restored, you can use hearing aids to mitigate the symptoms of the problem.
