Is Medically-Assisted Weight Loss Right For You? What You Need To Know

Is Medically-Assisted Weight Loss Right For You? What You Need To Know


Losing weight isn’t always easy as millions of peoples will attest. Changes in diet, exercise, behavioral modifications and consistent effort require determination and the best support.

Find out more about medically supported weight loss to see if it’s right and for you.

Assessing Your Needs Is The First Step To Medically Assisted Weight Loss

Before you can have any type of medically-assisted weight loss program or surgery, you will need to go through a thorough medical examination.

During your first appointment with your doctor from UncraveRX, you will talk about your medical history. This will include information on your past, current, and future medical conditions. Your doctor should know about any weight problems, such as prediabetes, diabetes, sleep apnea, or depression, as well your anxiety and any injuries that could have been caused by your weight.

It’s also possible to reveal any medications you currently use to fight obesity-related problems.

Common Medically Suspected Weight Loss Strategies

Your physician may recommend a number of medically assisted weight reduction techniques. Some of the most popular methods include:

Be The First To Start With Behavior

Behavior modification is the best place to start losing weight. You should make changes to your exercise and diet habits. This is often the first and most important option patients consider. It is possible to combine weight-loss surgery with behavioral modification in order for long-term results.

Meal Replacement Plans

Patients can use meal replacement plans to lose weight. Pre-packaged meals are often combined with counseling to keep patients on the right track.


Although doctors prefer proper diet and exercise, there are some cases where it is not possible to solve the problem with exercise. Many weight loss programs are medically supervised and include medication to help patients start losing weight.

Surgical Weight Loss

Since surgical weight loss has become increasingly popular, mainly because of the drastic results and improvements in methods. Many people have had their lives changed by weight loss surgery.

The most commonly used surgical weight loss methods are gastric bypass, sleeve, and gastric banding.

Bariatric Surgery is one of the more extreme. It is used most frequently by patients who are struggling with obesity, morbidity, and diseases like diabetes and hypertension.

Who Qualifies To Have Medically Assisted Weight Reduction?

You must have a certain BMI to be eligible for most types of surgery. However, other medically-assisted weight loss programs only require a desire and approval from your doctor.

Some programs require that you lose some weight by yourself. You must learn how to curb your cravings to be accepted.

How Much Weight Loss Can You Make?

There are many factors that can affect the weight loss you can achieve with a medically assisted program.

First, you must decide how much weight you want to lose. It’s easier to lose 40 pounds than it is one hundred and forty. The initial weight loss when you have more weight to lose is usually more drastic.

Long-term (for at least 12 weeks) weight loss medications have shown significant improvements over placebo. The combination of these medications and a healthy lifestyle can help you lose weight much faster than if your diet was followed.

What Are The Side Effects Of Weight-Loss Medications?

Some of the most common side effects of weight-loss drugs include diarrhea, constipation, and nausea. These symptoms will usually resolve on their own and do not require treatment. It is possible to have serious side effects from weight loss drugs, but these are rare. Talk with yo

Weight Loss